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  • About Trumpet

    About Trumpet

    Trumpet, the highest register member of brass family, consists of several essential parts like mouthpipe, valves, tuning slides and bell. Trumpet is one of the most flexible musical instruments and can be easily found in different themes of music such as classic, jazz, each orchestra, wind ensemble, brass band and pop music.

    1400 B.C.:40 pcs of trumpet were listed on the tribute list for Tutankhamun. Jewelry were mounted on these trumpets.

    1352 B.C.:A silver trumpet was discovered in Tutankhamun’s grave.
    1000 B.C.:A trumpet was discovered in a coalfield in Denmark.
    200 A.D.:Trumpets were used for ceremony held by royalty.
    900 A.D.:Trumpets were used to play signals for aristocrats. Each aristocrat has owned signals in order to distinguish with others.
    1400 A.D.:Trumpet, was mainly used in military and ceremony for making signals and simple music.
    1600 ~ 1699 A.D:Trumpet appeared in few pieces of classic music.
    1638 A.D.:Girolamo Fantini’s Trumpet Method was developed.
    1690 ~ 1699A.D.:Trumpet was used for dramas and military signal and simple music. Players tried to reach different harmonics.
    1700 ~ 1799 A.D.:Tuning slides were developed. People use tuning slides to adjust the total length of trumpet, then reach different harmonic series.
    1790-1799 A.D.:People started use holes and tunable pipe to reach different harmonic series.
    1801 A.D.:Anton Weidinger developed the first 5-keyed trumpet, but found it difficult to make clear sound.
    1814 A.D.:John Hyde made the new keyed trumpet by applying new design on it.
    1827 A.D.:Perinet trumpet (piston valves) appeared in Germany. Piston valves makes trumpet easier to play different harmonic series and keep in tune, trumpet became significant within orchestras and wind ensembles.
    1900 - 1999A.D.:Jazz music becomes popular around the world. Louis Armstrong is probably the most important jazz player in 20th Century.
  • About Cornet

    About Cornet
    Cornet is quite similar to trumpet, but the sound of cornet is a bit wider and warmer. Cornet’s size is more compact than trumpet, so it is said that cornet is better entry instruments for young age players. Cornet is the most important instruments within British brass bands.

    1820 A.D.:A French craftsman installed pistons system on post horn. This could be the one of the earliest cornets.

    1820 A.D.:The first time cornet appears in orchestra in Paris.
    1834 A.D.:Cornet is modified to be able to play “trill”.
    1890-1899A.D0:Cornet appears frequently in orchestras, even more frequent than trumpet.ies.
  • About Trombone

    About Trombone
    Trombone is a brass family member that players use its telescoping slide (called hand slide) to change to total length and then reach different harmonic series. By adjusting player’s lips and hand slide, players are able to play each note. Trombone sounds mellow, so it is often seen in religious and orchestral music.

    ~B.C.:Trombone was determined a large size of trumpet (bugle) and made from a long, straight unbent tube.

    100 A.D.:Trombone worked as the bass part of trumpet.
    700 A.D.:Telescoping slide and bent tube systems were developed, players can reach each note.
    1520 A.D.:Modern trombone was basically developed by a trombonist in Germany.
    1500 ~ 1699 A.D.:Trombone was mainly for accompaniment.
    1900 ~ 1999 A.D.:Valve trombone was developed.
  • About bugle

    About bugle
    Bugle (Latin: Buculus) is probably the simplest brass instrument that is similar to ancient trumpets and trombones. Players adjust lips to reach different harmonics and then make a signal or simple music. Thus, bugle is mainly seen in military and some particular occasions. It is said that flugelhorn is bugle’s closed family, both instrument makes mellow, dark and broad sound.

    1400 ~ 1499A.D.:Bugle, made from animal’s horn, was used for making signal within military.

    1700 ~ 1799A.D.:People started using metal materials to make bugle instead of the material from animal.
    1900 ~ 1999A.D.:Modern bugle was developed.
  • About mouthpiece

    Mouthpieces of Brass Instrument:
    Mouthpiece, or called tubular resonator, is a part of brass instrument that places on player’s lips and leads the vibration to instrument body. play an important role within brass instruments. There are numbers of different sizes of mouthpieces which vary the tone of brass instruments, player choose mouthpiece size based on personal preference.

    2 types of mouthpieces:
    This is been used for many brass instruments, such as trumpet, cornet and trombone, etc..

    It is mainly used for French horn and marching French horn.
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